Communion & Anointing Service
Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 11:15 AM

Holy Communion is a sacred sacrament where we remember and partake in the symbolic body and blood of Jesus Christ. As we come together as a congregation, we are reminded of His sacrifice, love, and the eternal hope He offers.

The Blessing of the Anointing Oil is a beautiful practice that signifies the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It symbolizes consecration, healing, and the anointing of God's favor upon us.

Both of these acts hold immense spiritual value and enable us to deepen our connection with God and one another. Through Holy Communion and receiving the Blessing of Anointing Oil, we are nourished spiritually and reminded of the transformative grace that flows through our faith.

Let's come together this Sunday to share in the blessings of Holy Communion and be anointed with the Oil of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we embark on a journey of spiritual growth, healing, and renewal.